Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Why is it that some things just don't fit? How come someone or something can just fit perfectly but then another just doesn't? This kind of brought me to the idea that people are puzzles. I'm trying to think of what my puzzle might end up looking like by the end of my life... or even what it's supposed to look like right now. What's the picture supposed to be? Should the puzzle be you made up of tons of things in your life or should the puzzle be of something else that you just fit within?

Am I am bunch of pieces that I'm expected to find as i move through life? or am I an entire piece that will fit into another's life? I think its both. I am finding who I am everyday, especially these past few years being on my own, but I also believe that I will fit into many other peoples' lives. Where will you fit and with whom will you fit? With what situations and places will you find the jagged edge that matches your own jagged edges?

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