Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Take A Step Back

Have you ever taken a step back to look at those around you? Have you ever tried to see them as just "people" instead of who they are to YOU? Take a look and you'll be surprised what you see....

Those individuals that stand out the most to me are my family. My mother, father and brother. I see them in a totally different light than anyone else does, but its interesting to step back and look at them outside of that light. Really see them for the person that they are.

My mother is my best friend but I can see her for so much more. She is strong, rarely vulnerable, but when she is she is beautiful. She has an energy about her that I believe anyone can feel, not just me. She tries to be as funny as me, and fails, but will never accept it. Instead, she'll laugh at herself and say she's funny anyway. Her hands are so soft, I like to think this is because she's so genuine and caring about those in her life. Those hands were made for it. Her eyes can see through all my bullshit and at the same time accept me and anyone else for who they truly are. She doesn't like to speak in front of a lot of people but when she speaks its inspirational. I am proud to be related to her... but even prouder to know her the way I do. It would be easy to just have a mother, but instead we have chosen to be best friends and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My dad is the guy with a twinkle in his eye. He's got the smile that makes you love life no matter what could be happening around you. The world could be crumbling but if he's looking at you, you'fe fine, in fact... much better than fine. The way he cares for my friends, even the moment he first meets them, is incredible. He'll take care of anyone that means anything to him until the end of the earth. He's the guy that's always outdoors. His appreciation for being a part of something bigger is unreal. I have come to understand that all people are part of nature and that we must live within and..... ENJOY IT. He taught me that. Its the simple things with my dad. He can find appreciation in anything, and at the same time, can endure and perservere unlike anyone I know.

My brother is the person I want to be a lot of the time. People say we're a lot alike.... I hope so. He's got an incredible life that is always filled with epic things to do. While he's off doing unexplainably fun things, he's still able to be the "doer." His grades are amazing and he is always an imperitive member in everything he's involved in. My brother is THE MAN in my eyes. His humor never fails to make me laugh and his hugs aren't anything like the ones I can get from anyone else. His hugs make me melt, even if they're seconds long. I still get so excited to see him, even when I've grown up with him for almost 20 years now. Beyond his amazing style, he has a "coolness" about him. The way he carries himself, his selflessness, and his unintentional amazing impact on everyone around him, makes him who he is. My brother is the guy you want to at least get a chance to know, he's the guy that I get to call my brother. I'm more proud of that than I ever thought I would be.

There's an incredible amount of things I wish I could continue to say about them. I could on endlessly about them as people. But taking a step back, and seeing my family for who they really are, has made me realize how lucky I am to have them as my family. See the people in your life as individuals, but take pride in who they are to you..........

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